Frostgrave Table Build Pt 7 - Swampy and Clear-Coaty

This is the picture dump post. At this time - I'm prepping docks, an awesome shipwreck from Printable Scenery, and assorted odds and ends of some detail pieces. In my opinion, it's going to be the small tiny details that really make this table fun to play on. First few images are some detail pictures of some wall cave-ins. I felt like the canal needed a little more life, so I took some BRIGHT Kelly Green acrylic paint and added it to the water. At the time, it felt aggressively green and I had some reservations but I think it blended well and I'm happy with the final color. Then I started adding the docks, the shipwreck, and a few ladders across the board to increase accessibility. I'll need to go back through and trim off some of the wall decor to make clear paths where the ladders are, but luckily those are very thin PLA plastic and I won't have any issues cleanly slicing through those.  I'm hoping this will give warbands many different options to move across the canal when playtime starts. Last step of this post is the final clear coat spray to seal in all my dry-brushing. We're ready for the epoxy pour!
