Frostgrave Table Build Pt 5 - PRIME TIME BABY!

 Time to start priming this beast. I decided to go with a black rattle can primer – and to do so – I threw down a quick coat of mod podge over any of the exposed insulation foam to prevent the rattle can from ‘eating’ it, and it worked out really well as a sealant. (I added a handful of play sand to the mixture so these elevated areas can have a more ‘wild’ feeling to them) After the black prime, I added some sickly green to the canal area with wild abandon – I liked the idea of some of the green coating the bottoms of the canal walls and I hope that the green tint will come through when I drybrush the stone work on the walls. In my opinion, this is where the table really started to look like something – and I’m really happy with the way it’s turning out!
